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Van Hongo » Fashion in Belgium

Van Hongo

Contact: Izumi Van Hongo
5 Aalmoezenierstraat Antwerpen 2000 BelgiumOffice 31 Prins Albertlei, box12 Antwerpen 2600 Belgium Mobile: +32 494 83 93 23 Website:

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Izumi Hongo 本郷いづみ
Artist/designer Izumi Hongo was born in Tokyo and based in Antwerp. After obtaining her Masters at fashion department, Royal Academy Antwerp and at architecture department, Waseda University, she started her own fashion brand Van Hongo and opened atelier-shop in Antwerp in 2011. Since 2017, she has beem engaging in the textile design for architectural projects and recent years, she is more into the artistic installation by her special textiles.

‘Texture and structure’ is the main thema of her creation. The fact that she originally completed architecture education, is reflected in her cross-over creation beyond the boundaries between fashion and architecture. By developing the original yarns, textiles and knitting/weaving techniques together with the manufactories mainly in Japan and Belgium, she keeps realizing her innovative and unique designs and building up the cross-over networks.

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5 Aalmoezenierstraat Antwerpen 2000 Belgium

31 Prins Albertlei, box12 Antwerpen 2600 Belgium