Butch Tailors
More Info
our philosophy
We see stately as currency that can be converted into success and eminence both in professional as work as in private life.
our mission
We create and sell high quality suits, shirts and more to support the aspirations of progress-oriented people.
Born a million garments ago. A million means lots of stitches, buttons and hours. In other words, tons of experience and hard work.
Butch Tailors has been manufacturing quality garments since 1956.
First the name was created by an important textile family. Later in the nineties Dominique Vindevogel had the opportunity to acquire the name and knowhow. He became the director of the company with a specific vision seen through out the DNA of the garments. He did it with the help of commitment, skills and traditions. D.V.’s vision of Butch Tailors was well thought through and he looked for the future instead of attempting to earn a quick profit. When other brands cut back on production, D.V.knew to retain his main asset, his experienced professionals. Without these people and their experience D.V. would be nothing more than an ordinary brand today.
One can say that in a way, all Butch Tailors products look like their creator. They reflect stern gentlemanly qualities to be perfect in every detail.
Butch Tailors continues its steady course and continually gains new customers.
Something has obviously been done in the right way.
Zeedijk-Knokke 699 Knokke-Heist 8300 BELGIUM
Rivera de Cupia 21, Real de las Lomas, Ciudad de México, D.F., 11920 Mexico
Esentepe, Propa Plaza, Kore Şehitleri Caddesi, Şişli Istanboel Turkije
201 NW 37th St, Miami FL 33127 USA
217 Strand Temple London WC2R 1AT, UK