Universiteit Gent
Universiteit GentEuropean Master Programme in Textile Engineering (E-Team)More Info
The Master of Science in Textile Engineering program is a two-year program in the field of textile technology. It is one of the oldest international programs of Ghent University. The training is a joint initiative of AUTEX, the worldwide association of textile universities. This English-taught master’s program is also called E-TEAM: European Textile Engineering Advanced Master. E-TEAM is still unique and offers students intensive mobility and high-quality multidisciplinary education in the field of textile technology. From the next edition, the global character will be structurally anchored by stronger involvement of partners from outside Europe and a program reform will be introduced to make better use of this potential.
The three main objectives of the program are to acquire knowledge and fundamental insights about textile materials, processes and applications, personal development and international networking.
E-TEAM’s primary goal is to acquire the necessary academic knowledge in the field of textile technology and to learn to apply this knowledge to design and develop innovative advanced textile products and processes.
In the first three semesters, the students follow lessons, each time around a different theme, namely textile materials (semester 1), production processes (semester 2) and technical applications (semester 3). In the fourth semester, students work on their master’s thesis, on a topic and location of their choice.
Teaching is provided by the most renowned teachers from around the world. They give their subject as an intensive course during one week at the location where the students are or supervise a student with the master’s thesis in their lab. Curriculums run across courses and semesters and provide a deepening of specific themes, such as computational methods and sustainability. There is significant industry input and two of the instructors even have their own businesses.
Extensive mobility plays a major role in personal development: students spend two to four semesters abroad, are part of a multicultural group and are taught by international teachers, each with their own communication style and learning method, in a changing environment and culture. Students become flexible, communicative, enterprising and solution-oriented. In addition, competences, skills and attitudes are actively developed through learning lines on scientific, critical and design thinking.
The many formal and informal contacts with local and international students, teachers, researchers and companies ensure that students can already build on an international and diverse network when they graduate.
E-TEAM alumni mainly choose a job in the textile or material industry, the supply sector (textile machine construction, chemistry) or sectors where textile products are used (transport, furniture sector, medical sector, construction, protection, etc.). Furthermore, all jobs are also open to typical engineering profiles: consultancy, government, education and research, …
About 1 in 6 E-TEAM alumni obtains a PhD.
What is particularly striking is the large share of international careers: almost half of the graduates opt for a job abroad.
From the 2020-2022 edition (starting in academic year 2020-2021), the first semester will always be organized at Ghent University, the second semester will rotate between University of West Attica (Greece, edition 2020-2022), Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) , edition 2021-2023) and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs Sud Alsace (France, edition 2022-2024) while for the third semester, students can choose between University of Borås (Sweden) and Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan). The fourth semester is reserved for a master’s thesis at a location of your choice.
Technologiepark 70 A Gent 9052 Belgium
Universiteit Gent
Universiteit GentMaster of Science in Sustainable Materials EngineeringMore Info
Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Engineering
In this course you will learn all about the properties of materials such as metals, ceramics and polymers, how they can be made, processed, but also recycled, and how engineering applications strongly depend on material choices and knowledge. Two majors are offered in the Master of Science in Sustainable Materials Engineering: Major Applied Metal Sciences and Major Polymers and Fiber Structures
In the major “polymers and fiber structures” the emphasis is on materials that consist of polymers and structures that are built up from fibers, including textiles.
Polymers are the main raw material from which fibers are made, but ceramic and mineral materials are also discussed. The program includes polymer processing starting from pellets to the final end product.
Emphasis is placed on the behavior of the materials during processing and the resulting properties of the acquired structure.
The major therefore includes learning lines about polymer materials and textile materials as well as derived materials such as composites. The emphasis for the learning line on textile materials is on the principles of technology, the behavior of the fibers and yarns during processing and the properties of the structures.
By giving textile materials a physical or chemical after-treatment, additional properties (added value) can be imparted. Furthermore, the theory of color, color formation and color perception are discussed, in addition to the different dye types as well as the way of application. As such, insight is provided into the textile materials and processes, with specific attention being paid to the development of products with desired functionalities (flame-retardant, wrinkle-resistant, antibacterial, dirt-repellent, etc.). This also includes nanotechnology and biotechnological materials and processes.
Much attention is paid to the development of synthetic turf for sports and other recreational purposes. A specific type of functional materials are the intelligent (interactive) textile materials. Finally, methods are also discussed for monitoring the quality of products and processes.
Technologiepark 70A Zwijnaarde 9052 Belgium
Royal Tailors
Royal TailorsMore Info
Minor repairs
- sew on button
- Push button
- Tear or loose seam
Dresses or skirts
- Shorten zoom
- shorten sleeves
- narrowInse
- rt zipper
- suffocate deeper
- Taking things away and sewing them shut
- Shorten straps
- Center Shirt
- Back fake
- shorten sleeves
- Shorten zoom
T-Shirt or top
- Shorten sleeves
- Shorten zoom
- Shorten straps
- Slimming waist
- widen waist
- Shorten and lengthen blind seam
- Shorten original, stitched, or with cover
- Pipes narrow on both sides
- Insert zippers
- Lower waistband
- Taking things away and sewing them shut
- New lining
- New stretcher
Coat or vest
- Shorten or sew by hand
- Shorten men’s cardigan with curves
- Shorten sleeves and recreate split
- Lengthen sleeves
- Insert zipper
- Add epaulettes
- New lining
- Cardigan narrow back / center waist
- Back Pull up at the collar
Opening hours
Tuesday to Friday:
Sunday and Monday:
By appointment only!
Tuesday to Friday:
10:00-12:00 – 14:00 to 18:00
10:00 to 14:00
Sunday and Monday:
Broodstraat 6 Oudenaarde 9700 Belgium
Remi Vlerickstraat 51 Zwijnaarde 9052 Belgium
CentexbelMore Info
We, at Centexbel, believe that Europe has a fascinating textile and plastic processing industry and we are proud to be part of it. Every single day we meet passionate people, we encounter great companies, we discover exciting technologies.
We care for our industry and firmly believe that by building and sharing knowledge and know-how and by engaging in close and deep collaborations we can contribute to a sustainable future for our companies.
This belief strengthens our ambition, defines our culture, shapes our organization and motivates us to do the things we do. We aim at pushing the boundaries.
Our guiding principles
We place the companies at the centre of our attention and facilitate a close connection and intense contacts with companies of the textile, plastic converting and related industries in Europe and especially in Belgium: a relationship built on trust.
Our staff members are our most precious assets. We offer them space for creativity and a maximal responsibility.
We develop industrial knowledge that really matters, in fields related to technologies, processes, products and their application fields that are of could be useful to the textile and plastic converting industry.
We transfer our knowledge to as many European companies as possible, without distinction but in total respect of confidentially.
We are making use of public funding and therefore we are complying with the expectations of and directions set out by the funding authorities.
Key activities
Research and development in fields with a high added value, and more in particular in the melt processing of polymers, in coating and surface modification, composites, recycling, smart textiles, textile applications and material characterisation. Polymers, their additives and their processing are the common theme throughout our research activities.
Product certification and finding adequate solutions in an independent manner, within the regulatory boundaries, but in full understanding of the challenges with which companies are faced.
Assisting companies in analysing, characterising and testing of products by means of the most advanced instruments and based on our excellent knowledge of products and processes.Dissemination of knowledge, in particular by allowing companies to make use of research results in their specific business context.
It is our ambition to be one of Europe’s best in the above mentioned fields. Moreover, as a technological centre, Centexbel aspires to hold a key position in the target group of the chemical intensive polymer processing industry. This target group includes the textile industry, the plastic converting industry, the coating industry, the adhesive industry and others.
Technologiepark 70 Zwijnaarde 9052 Belgium
Rue du Travail 5 Grâce-Hollogne 4460 Belgium
Etienne Sabbelaan 49 Kortrijk 8500 Belgium
Rue Montoyer 24 Brussels 1000 Belgium